Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog Update!

Hey all,

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but if you follow me on Instagram (new account name is jaqxviathecameraroll ) then you know that our daughter decided to come 3 weeks early and today she turned 3 weeks old! I've been back and forth deciding between using Wordpress or Blogger for my new blog, and still working my blog concept out. I hate to lose subscribers every time I delete a blog and transfer platforms, but Im thinking I actually like Wordpress better. Please stay tuned for blog updates next week and for my new blog URL, I'm revamping the blog once again as Im now a new mommy and will have different elements to my blog. Ive decided to start a blog and instagram account that is more consistent with the ebook that I'm currently writing. Thanks for your support and patience during this transition ;)

Xo, Jaqx

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